Coffee. It often feels like our life blood right? I don't know very many
people who can even contemplate getting through the day without at least one
cup of the stuff to give them that all important boost of energy. It's a
vicious cycle though - that morning cup gets you going, but before long you
find your energy levels crashing and reach for another cup. Statistic shows
that the average coffee drinker sinks at least 3.5 cups of
coffee a day. That's a staggering 469mg of caffeine
every day! Scary, isn't it? Caffeine should be a controlled substance. Not only
is it addictive but it has been linked to a long list of health concerns
including heart disease and high blood pressure.
A lot of people feel uneasy about the amount of caffeine they
consume, but don't want to cut out that morning cup of Joe! Let's face it;
decaff is just not the same as a really good cup of coffee! However, the good
news is that there is now a great alternative! Organa Gold contains real coffee
(100% Arabica Beans to be exact) and yet has just 9mg of
caffeine per cup. It also has the additional bonus of being infused with Ganoderma -
a powerful fungi used in Chinese medicine. The inclusion of this ingredient
means that Organo Gold not only tastes great, but it is good
for you too!
It's not every day you come across a cup of gourmet coffee which
can boost your energy levels without the caffeine crash, strengthen your immune
system, oxygenate your body and even reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer,
diabetes and other major illnesses! Now you don't have to deprive yourself of
your coffee fix to know that you are doing your body well. Regular drinkers of
this Ganoderma coffee say that in a matter of days they feel
an overall improvement in their general health and well-being. Why not join