Ring Sidestones

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Get Healthier Without Ditching The Morning Coffee

Coffee. It often feels like our life blood right? I don't know very many people who can even contemplate getting through the day without at least one cup of the stuff to give them that all important boost of energy. It's a vicious cycle though - that morning cup gets you going, but before long you find your energy levels crashing and reach for another cup. Statistic shows that the average coffee drinker sinks at least 3.5 cups of coffee a day. That's a staggering 469mg of caffeine every day! Scary, isn't it? Caffeine should be a controlled substance. Not only is it addictive but it has been linked to a long list of health concerns including heart disease and high blood pressure.

A lot of people feel uneasy about the amount of caffeine they consume, but don't want to cut out that morning cup of Joe! Let's face it; decaff is just not the same as a really good cup of coffee! However, the good news is that there is now a great alternative! Organa Gold contains real coffee (100% Arabica Beans to be exact) and yet has just 9mg of caffeine per cup. It also has the additional bonus of being infused with Ganoderma - a powerful fungi used in Chinese medicine. The inclusion of this ingredient means that Organo Gold not only tastes great, but it is good for you too!

It's not every day you come across a cup of gourmet coffee which can boost your energy levels without the caffeine crash, strengthen your immune system, oxygenate your body and even reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other major illnesses! Now you don't have to deprive yourself of your coffee fix to know that you are doing your body well. Regular drinkers of this Ganoderma coffee say that in a matter of days they feel an overall improvement in their general health and well-being. Why not join them? 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Colors of Most Organic Plugs

Color is one of the factors that should be considered when making organic plugs or any other kind of jewelry. This is because when people go to search for this jewelry, color is usually the first factor to look at. Some of them are also attracted by the color before even seeing the make and even before asking for the price of the jewelry. When manufacturing organic body plugs and other types of jewelry the hue and saturation within every color category varies widely with the material used. Most of the materials have a range of several hues within a category and may also overlap into other color categories.

Gold: we may have Indian gold, vermeil Hmong omegas, pre-Columbian gold septum and areas of gold sheen obsidian.

Copper/ bronze: contain Maasai men’s copper ear-weights, Turkana labrets, tiger’s eye and tiger’s iron, light c-shaped ear plugs, ancient Cambodian organic body plugs and goldstone among others.

Brown/tan: contain Mammoth ivory, tan or black bamboo, some light colored horns, Aztec clay body plugs, serpentine, picture jasper and some agates among others.

Silver: most of the ethnic and tribal body plugs are silver in color.  They include the Fulani tribe aluminum hoops also known as septum, silver fox and other earplugs, amber stash boxes, Hmong omegas, various iridescent shells like used inlays and hematite among others.

White: most people like the white body plugs and jewelry because they can match with any material of clothing you put on. Most colors match well with white jewelry. Plugs that are white in color include those made from bone, Naga tribe shell ear ornaments, boar and warthog tusks, porcupine quills, python ribs, dentalium shells, howlite and cabochon inlays among others.

Other colors that are used in making organic plugs are pink, clear, red, orange, yellow green, blue, purple and black.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Female Circumcision

Female circumcision is a form of body modification. It is a term which loosely refers to several procedures performed on the genitalia of a female and that are mostly of cultural rather than a medical nature. Female circumcision is mostly practiced in most parts of Africa and is also frequently performed in Asia and Arabian Peninsula. In United States, it was done to prevent masturbation until in the 12th century. Nowadays, this practice is rejected in western civilization like the United States and Western Europe in particular. In these places it is referred to as the female genital mutilation (FGM).

Forms of female circumcision

There are several distinct practices that generally refer to this form of body modification thus bringing about some confusion. In some of the cases there is no actual genital surgery that occurs, although the process is simulated with a knife as part of a ceremony. The forms that involve surgery in actual terms are mainly divided into three major types.

  • Type I - also known as the clitoridotomy. This is the most limited type of female circumcision. It involves the clitoral hood removal.

  • Type II- also known as the clitoridectomy and sometimes also called labia minora. It is more extensive and implies partial or total removal of clitoris.

  • Type III – this is the most complete form of body modification of female circumcision that is also known as infibulation orpharaonic circumcision. It involve the clitoridectory, removal of labia minora, cutting of labia minora and sewing together the cut labia minora to form a cover on the vagina leaving an opening for passing urine and menstrual blood. The labia minora sewn together is opened by the husband of the woman before intercourse. Other forms of this body modification is the type IV that includes diverse range of practices such as prinking of clitoris using needles as well as tearing the vagina or ripping.





Saturday, April 14, 2012

Looking for the source of your water leakage problem

When you are looking to buy a new home there are many things you need to consider, but one thing that many potential homeowners overlook is the possibilities of flooding affecting their new purchase.
Problems with water seepage are not the end of the world of course and it can be dealt with by a flood services Atlanta company, but is not something that most homeowners want to deal with. Despite taking many precautions to prevent water damage there is always the chance that it can happen at any time and here are some of the ways that water can affect your home.
If you have a swimming pool in your garden then you will know that they are a source of great amusement, but the problem with a swimming pool that is above ground is if there is a leak. This can mean that all of a sudden and without warning you could find gallons of water making its way into your home. This in turn will cause significant damage to your property.

Cold weather can be a problem when it comes to flooding, a sudden thaw that causes large accumulations of snow to melt quickly can cause major flooding problems in your home. Also frozen pipes can burst leaving you with a major cleanup operation and the bill for correcting the damage could run into thousands of dollars.
Home appliances can be a major source of unwanted water intrusion with all manner of appliances using water in modern kitchens. Washing machines and dishwashers are the main culprits although a leaky water heater can also deposit more than enough water to cause significant water damage.

Monday, April 2, 2012

How to eliminate mold spores

Mildew and mold are ubiquitous and they can soon gain a foothold in your home at any time, mold spores are airborne and will settle and multiply when they find a place where the conditions are right. So mold removal Atlanta is the only way to guarantee that your home remains free of mold.

So when mold spores settle in an area where the conditions are favorable they soon start to multiply, although mold spores can remain dormant and become active at any time. A build up of mold spores will make your home an unhealthy place to be, and they will cause problems to people with respiratory problems.

Mold removal Atlanta is crucial because it will help you to solve the problems caused by mold growth. It will help to kill permanently kill mold by removing mold spores and colonies and it will help to protect your home from future problems with mold.

Getting mold removal Atlanta done can help you to look after the health of you and your family and it will save your home mold infection.

So what is the best way to eliminate mold spores from your home? Well if there is only a small growth then you can probably eliminate then using an anti-mold spray, however if there is a large outbreak then you should seek the services of professional mold removal Atlanta company.

However you should not attempt to clean up mold if you already have a breathing problem as the cleaning process will inevitably cause the mold spores to become airborne. Once breathed in they will in all likelihood make your condition worse. So calling in a professional mold removal Atlanta company is a good idea as they will be able to asses the problem and they will be able to eliminate all mold and mildew from your property.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Basement Cleaning After A Flood

Many reasons may cause you to require the flood cleaning of your basement. Regardless of the problem is of lesser seriousness or one that is serious such as sewage flooding or toxic drain water, we are able to handle the situation as it is. Moreover, you do not pay for consultation.

The causes of the basement problem may be many but it is accepted that the basement is a very important part of the home. It is more convenient to convert into a useful room for many activities than building a new facility. Just a little finishing effort and you are done.

The threats to the basement that you should take heed to deal with may be a rising water table, roof water jettisoned too close to the walls. Immediate call to us will get you help in good time.

There is the hydrostatic pressure exerted by the soil on walls going deep into the ground. This may enable water penetration through the walls causing you the problems. This hydrostatic pressure may most likely be the cause of flooding.

The fact that the basement is the lowest area of the building means that any flooding in overlying rooms poses a risk to your basement. Though you may not be using the basement much, please call us should you need help with flooding.

It is common to have a basement flooding caused by sewage. No one would love that; it causes foul smell and has potential of causing illnesses. The best thing is that most home owners understand the urgency of tackling such scenarios.

You should never take lightly even the mildest flood situation. This is because meld will take advantage any wet conditions. Fast cleanup will help in averting such an occurrence and prevent potential disease. Molds can cause allergies and infections. You are advised to consult with us free immediately.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Designing Security in a Wireless Network Using 802.1x

It has been difficult to prevent unauthorized connections to a MCSA Certification wireless network, even after taking every security precaution in configuring it. Anyone able to connect to your wireless network can detect and receive every data in the network. This also occurs in a wired network. Even the WEP encrypted data can also be successfully attached. Network security has been a problem to all connections especially the wireless network security. An attacker can from outside can connect to your facilities, causing disruptions to the network, infect the network, access and steal data and go without a trace. 802.1x can provide solutions to such problems if it is properly implemented, maintained and managed.

How 802.1x improves wireless network security

802.1x is a standard in IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) that was created in order to address security issues of 802.11 standards. 802.1x is not a replacement of the other, but it is a security addendum of 802.11. 802.1x adds a considerable support of security to 802.11 wireless networks, although software and hardware upgrades are necessary since they are changes to wireless free Microsoft tests practice and infrastructure support. Changes in security come with additional authentication improvements, revocation and validation checking procedural changes and the key management. A Radius server is needed to perform authentication thus can provide improvements in authorization and auditing.

This is because IAS (Authentication Improvements Microsoft Internet Authentication Services) may be used as the Radius server. The flexibility in both computer and user authentication is added by the ability to use EAP types (Extensible Authentication Protocol). These include the PEAP-EAP-MSCHAPv2 Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) EAP-MSCHAPv2 and passwords being protected by Transport Layer Security (TLS). Mutual authentication to a wireless network is provided since the server is also authenticated by the client. This provides an ideal wireless network security.